– Połączenie spółek powinno być bowiem zgodne ze statutami obu spółek, ale i dobrymi obyczajami, nie może również naruszać interesów ani spółek, ani akcjonariuszy – dodała. Kwestia w tym, czy zapisy statutu Orlenu powinny pozostać po fuzji i...
Thus, they might have to rely on alternative measures, such as increasing sales, to meet their current liabilities. On the same note, the accounts receivable should only consist of debts that can be collected within a 90-day period....
The most likely quick assets are cash, marketable securities, and accounts receivable. Quick assets are not considered to include non-trade receivables, such as employee loans, since it may be difficult to convert them into cash within a reasonable...
By looking at this common size income statement, we can see that the company spent 10% of revenues on research and development and 3% on advertising. The horizontal analysis takes the same line items and looks at the...
It allows you to compare vertically across different financial statements, for example, analyzing the cost of goods sold and operating expenses. For example, Square might be sacrificing margins to gain more market share, which would increase its revenues...